Steel shield inlaid with gold and silver
Egypt – Mamluk
10th A.H /16th A.D century
MIA no. 9998
"Rounded shield for the protection form the swords hits. The shield is decorated with medallions housing scenes of knights hunting animals and central half circles. Because it is lavishly decorated, this sword was not used in wars
hall 14"
"Steel helmet for protecting the head. It has two parts; the upper is decorated with geometric ornaments, while the lower has two gilded friezes with naskhi inscriptions; one is hosing medallions with inscriptions says “Muhammad- Abu Bakr-’Umar, ‘Uthman- ‘Ali – Talha – al-Zubayr – Sa‘d-Sa‘id- ‘Abd al-Rahman – ‘Amir”. The second frieze bears the Kursi verse from Quran and other verses Says “help from Allah and a speedy victory. So give the Glad Tidings to the Believers. - But Allah is the best to take care (of him), and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!“ – In the name of Allah, I trust on him”
hall 14"
"Inscriptions are encrusted on the sword’s blade showing the name of Sultan Tūmān Bāy. The text says: “ The Sultan, the proprietor, the king al-’Ādel Abu-l-Nasr Tūmān Bāy, sultan of Islam and the Muslims, father of the poor and the needy, killer of unbelievers and the polytheists, reestablisher of justice in the world, May God immortalize his reign, and May his victory be glorified”.
hall 14"
"Steel dagger with a jade knob
India- Mughal
10th AH /16th AD century
MIA no. 7638- 7639 "
"This double bladed dagger, with a knob made of jade takes the form of a sheep head. It has a scabbard inlaid with silver bearing gilded foliate designs.
hall 14"
"Chamfron made of copper inlaid with gold and silver
Egypt - Mamluk
8th AH /14th AD century
MIA no. 15318"
"Several protective shields for animals were known in Islamic art such as the horse saddles, and chamfrons. These kinds of artifacts are a clear proof of the humaneness and high moral principles of the Muslims in caring for their animals. This chamfron is decorated with numerous gilded Naskhī inscriptions.
hall 14"